Monday, January 24, 2011

Chef Jailed For Putting Pubic hair in Policeman's bagel

So How would you feel after eating something and You feel a hair strand in your mouth...gladly sutff like this has never happened to me..but like thats not enough, one comes out to say..its was his pubic hair...Disturbing.
A former chef Ryan Burke  has been given 15 days in jail after adding body hair, including pubic and chest hair, to a policeman's bagel.

he filled a bagel with his own pubic hair.This guy from New Jersey, admitted that he slipped in his own chest and pubic hair into a turkey, egg and cheese bagel sandwich.
He also pleaded guilty to aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, of Evesham Police Department and retaliation for a past official action.
The root of the problem emerged after the officer booked the chef for a traffic offence, and Burke decided to get his own back. Aaahhhh...Sweet Revenge..

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