Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Jackie

Dear Jackie

La Princessa, huwa nacheka sana when I read your blog, you have out of this world humor and are just very down to earth and you seem like you would be a good person to just hang out with but i just have two questions, Were you always like this? Ever since you were young? I follow you on twitter and we're friends on facebook, i just wanted to know. And have you yo ever thought of What you would be like 50 years later?

Wow, no one has ever asked me that before, 'Were you always like this,' Actually i dont know, and i fret my Nduguz wont say 'no' if I ask them, the joy  I would feel if someone told me i bumped my  head and started thinking crazy since then. but judging from the number of friends  who've said you're nuts in the past....there are great possibilities that indeed I've always been 'like this'( hope i answered that right, Y am i biting my nails?) so its a 'maybe'...The things that go through my mind, damn, thats why I'm keeping my eyes on the publishing world.
Funny you ask , coz I've had nighmares that I'd look like this 50 years later...(exclude the white)
 I used to joke around with my friends that I would be the crazy corner cat lady ... wearing big boas and lots of blue eyeshadow when grocery shopping. Telling everyone of my various gentleman callers, and living free in my dementia.With a poodle in my hand headed to the Gym and winking at all the young boys  ha ha..
The thought just came to me,  most pipo say 'age' is just a number, no, its not a number...its a word...the older i get. However in time, 50 years or so...i hope to be Relevant still, phenomenal still with dozens of accomplishments.  

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