Saturday, May 29, 2010

South Korean couple jailed after starving baby due to their internet addiction

 A South Korean couple have been jailed after their baby starved to death while they raised a virtual child online...seriously!!!? The husband, a 41-year-old taxi driver, and his 25-year-old wife were sentenced to two years in prison, but the woman's term was suspended because she is pregnant....i hope she isn't pregnant online as well!! These twits!!

The couple were addicted to the game, which saw them act as virtual parents, spending an average of 10 hours a day at Internet cafes while only feeding their daughter once a day.The baby girl was severely neglected and was beaten for cruel

They discovered their baby had died when they returned to their home in Suwon, South of Seoul last September, after having spent all night at an Internet cafe.The autopsy revealed the child had died of malnutrition.
The court said: "This constitutes an inhumane crime where the defendants abandoned even the most basic responsibilities as parents, and is unforgivable beyond any excuse or reason." its is quite sad that it has come to this, that internet addiction is getting this serious, really people? Okay I'm addicted but not thaaat addicted, I never thought it could be possible for parents to pick internet over a kid...gee..where is the world headed?

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