Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spare the Kalangala Monkeys!

Kalangala island
I am a great animal lover and I heard some rather shocking news from Kalangala District ( Uganda) terrifying. The district authorities have ordered the killing of all monkeys to protect palm oil trees amid protests from investors in the tourism industry.

The monkeys have been accused of eating the ripe palm fruits, posing a big threat to the oil palm project--a new major economic activity on Buggala Island, the largest of the 84 that make up the district. The decision is radical and defeats modern thinking of coexisting with nature. The mere suggestion by the district vermin office that whoever will present the tail of a dead monkey gets a Shs 2,000 reward is bizarre and unacceptable. Oh yeah, blame it on the monkey whydoncha!!! Nooooo not the monkeys! I love monkeys, infact, I think I should adopt one, we'll see if we can get these news across to stinky rich celebs and maybe they'll adopt, look at those cute faces, how can you even think of murdering/assasinating it?

In a way, the district authorities are justifying and encouraging poaching and 'genocide' of the monkey. Kalangala needs both the monkeys and the palm fruits for economic activity. Therefore, the solution cannot lie in total elimination of these poor primates but in careful manipulation of nature and application of modern conservation methods to preserve both. Uganda Wildlife Authority get inbetwenn this and spare the monkeys!! (sob sob)

I plead! Please spare the monkeys..concerned nature and animal lover

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