Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obama's Nuclear free world vision

The new US nuclear policy reflects a changing world. ( his idea is way better than Bush's whose ides was...'get in and grab it from them' which he tried to implement in Ira) For the first time, the US is ruling out a nuclear response to attacks on America involving biological, chemical or conventional weapons. What I cant believe is that they would still consider using Nuclear weapons even  after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki !! Imagine if terrorists and suicide bombers got their hands on them.

But this comes with a big caveat: countries will only be spared a US nuclear response if they comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - this does not include Iran and North Korea and countries that  lack tranparency in their nuclear program. Tehran insists its nuclear programme is peaceful, but its refusal to adhere to international demands has raised fears of a possible strike on its nuclear facilities by the US or Israel.

Defence Secretary Robert Gates outlined the Nuclear Posture Review at a Pentagon briefing on Tuesday and said it would pave the way to a nuclear-free world.
The document said America would only use nuclear arms in "extreme circumstances", and committed it to not developing any new nuclear warheads.But the review also said the US would maintain its conventional arsenal to reassure its allies. In short they're saying...
"we will not use these missiles, but only on our current enemies!" Unless you were planning on using them on us too then I dont see how this is surprising! 

The review said China's nuclear arsenal remained much smaller than those of Russia and America. nuclear weapons have been useful to achieve a balance of power with countries like Russia or China, modern threats require a more nimble defence strategy.
The shocking part is there are many people who object the nuclear-free policy,these are the people that shock me! How would you even dare to say that not having Nuclear weapons makes you weak, just the thought of you theatening to use them should illegal! Its a crime to humane, I thought everyone would embrace this nuclear-free policy(which I still dont get), ever since Obama first said it. Either way, I'm not so fully excited...
In 2009, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists estimated the U.S. nuclear stockpile at 5,200 nuclear bombs, including 2,200 operational, long-range strategic weapons.
The new treaty to be signed Thursday by the United States and Russia will limit each country to 1,550 strategic warheads, 700 deployed strategic delivery vehicles and 800 deployed and nondeployed strategic launchers, according to the Pentagon. Why do these figures scare me?!! Last time I read somewhere that the U.S. has approximately 10,000 nuclear warheads and Russia 12 0000, but the funny part is, you only need about 10% of those to wipe out the whole planet!!! Does that scare you? Its scares the shit out of me!Why the overproduction, come on! And doesn't it scare you when they plan to use these weapons, I mean they only just make em for nothing!

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