Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dakota Fanning quits Soccer

Dakota Fanning, she has grown so fast, it was just like yday i was watching her on that Tom Cruise piggie farm movie and today she's like all grown up and in twilight....
She recently stated that on the soccer field she was less than stellar. The 16-year-old was left "traumatized" after she scored in her own team's goal during a soccer game.Oh..this has happened to me more than once Dakota, and they kicked me off the team but i still went back again and again, its normal, but when it happened to me they threw me in the mud pound, they probably cant do that to u coz u knw, being a celebrity and point is, never give up, even if u rili suck and scored yourself....yeah

She said: "I did play soccer and my team was called the Spice Girls, I was Baby Spice. I was playing in a game one day and I got the ball for the first time and I was so excited and I was running and running. Seriously? Spice girls!!!really people!? i would never play in team called spice girls, no wonder the poor girl lost.
"There was nobody around me, I was thinking this is an easy game, then I kicked it into the goal and was so excited.
"I turned around and nobody was cheering for me and nobody was proud of me -- and I then realized I'd kicked it in the wrong goal -- so I quit soccer. I was traumatized!" shit happens ,u gotta learn, we just cover it up and keep on walking, like a cat.
She said in an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: "My mom went to college on a full scholarship for tennis, my dad played minor-league baseball and my grandfather was a quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. So before I started acting the plan for me was to be a tennis player -- that was the plan for me and my mom had me in tennis classes.

"One day I went to her and told her I really love the outfits but it's just too hot -- it's just too hot for me to play tennis and I didn't want to play anymore." me and Dakota need to try golf, who knows, we just might run into Mr. woods, whose currently single..shriek!
  Dakota...OMG, she's like so grown, i dont even believe its her?! guess am used to seeing her as 'liltle Dakota' with glass eyes

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