Saturday, July 2, 2011

Prince and Princess Of Monaco

Finally..they WED!
SO i watched the whole thing, and i can bet you, along with the whole of Africa! as the beautiful South African Olympic became Princess of Monaco... all the way through thinking, this is the longest French class ever..all of a sudden the skipped french classes of long ago have come back to haunt me... The ineresting fact is i dont even speak french and i was more concentrated than ever, infact i translated the whole thing to my sister..
But it was great tho..After they exchanged vows,
 Albert winked at Charlene which was so cute coz she seemed so nervous.. she smiled shyly. They held hands as a South African singer sang a Click Song a South African song of Xhosa people, made by the famous late Miriam Makeba as everyone humbly smiled like WTF  O_o
I'm hearing the  AfriForum possibly to lodge a complaint that "Boeremusiek" was not represented Royal wedding 
Then the camera man kept moving to the Handsome nephews of the prince.. Gorgeous!
Long story short..they had a quite awkward peck...
then I was seeing South African everywhere... 

And then at Saint Devote Church She cried.. I was reaching out to the tv to hug her as my sister was dialling someone to ask for Caroline and Albert's birthdate ( we dont even know them!)

And I loved that dress,not entirely but loved that it was sooooo long...though Charlene didnt wear any detail at all, no earrings, no diamond necklace..nada..
Giorgio Armani duchess satin gown encrusted with thousands of tiny crystals 
And after that they celebrate the wedding in an Indian style..3 days non stop...Rich bastards.. ( Im just angry at myself)
But i dunno, the wedding was incomplete to me I dint hear no vuvuzelas ebo...

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