Friday, September 3, 2010

Ugandan Tycoon Mike Ezra Flashes 3 million dollars at Journalists!

Michael Ezra Mulyoowa, this guy is really arrogant and stuff, He's a big fish around Uganda I heard. And there are rumours going around that he's broke and many papers in Uganda claim that he owes the Uganda Revenue Authority money in taxes and was failing to make good on payment.Ugandan  media reported that the URA boss, Ms Allen Kagina, had asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to bar Ezra from travelling abroad until he paid the Shs1.1 billion he owes the government...Yikes!
But Ezra's press conference at Emin Pasha Hotel in Kololoo neighbourhood in Kampala wasn't to deny the allegations, in fact he admitted to owing URA Shs1,130,753,269 in taxes incurred between 2003 and 2005 although he did not state under what business arrangement the debt accrued.

"I have been in touch with the URA officials over the years both through lawyers and auditors, discussing this tax issue. There has been some back and forth but I never said I will not pay the tax," but he stated that the travel black- out was a false story saying "Whereas the travel ban might exist, I am not aware of it. I knew about it from the press," with an attitude to die for..
"The bank knows why I took the money. I am not the only one who borrows money. I did not say that I won't pay. Yes, there were misunderstandings between me and the bank. But which businessperson doesn't have misunderstandings with a bank? Is that newsworthy?" 
 One journalist put the icing on the cake by asking "Are you broke?"
 This is my fave part....
"Am I broke?" Ezra shot back sarcastically, then turned to an old man, clad in brown trousers, shoes and jacket, apparently his aide, and murmured something to him in Kiswahili.Minutes later, the man re-emerged hauling a big, black bag.  The old man Opened the  zipper and "Ohh!" was the reaction of most journalists as they took stock of its contents...My oh My!!thousands of American Dollar notes. in the bag,The aide piled them on the table

"That is three million dollars. So, am I broke?" His tone was firm, greasing it with a sarcastic laugh. Sooo cocky..Gademit! Nothing better than a cocky rich bastard who aint afraid to show it..For all we know, that money could've been rented lol...Rented money...oh gosh...
This guys has his own website too...arrogance is the main key in it lol! if u wanna entertainment..visit it here

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